The COUGAR ELITE TROPHY is awarded to The Cougar Elite Athlete in each Varsity sport at the end of the season by coaches.

This award is for the MVPs of character, meaning these athletes displayed extraordinary personal prowess at games, practices, and in off-time.
Phelonie Striker, a junior at Weston Ranch High School, was chosen as one of the Elite Cougar Student Athletes. She received the award for her performance in golf. Phelonie believes that she was selected for the award because of her great sportsmanship and helpfulness to the team. When asked about the highlight of her season, Phelonie said, “Being able to bond with the team. I had a lot of fun playing. I feel like it’s overall a great experience.” She was also asked about her best personal record, to which she replied, “I think when I got two whole… I don’t know, I’m like a beginner at this so I feel like I did really good.” Felony isn’t sure about her post-high school plans, but she does wish to get back into swimming.