The COUGAR ELITE TROPHY is awarded to The Cougar Elite Athlete in each Varsity sport at the end of the season by coaches.

This award is for the MVPs of character, meaning these athletes displayed extraordinary personal prowess at games, practices, and in off-time.
Congratulations to our Cougar athlete, Sonja Daniels! Sonja is an incredible athlete who plays two sports: basketball and volleyball. She is super proud of herself for being picked and receiving the title of Elite Cougar Athlete. Sonja is currently a sophomore and has already accomplished this great feat. She is a very hardworking academic athlete. The highlight of her season is all the moments at practice with her teammates, how they all get along like a family, and how she appreciates her teammates. Some advice from Sonja to our Weston Ranch Cougar Athletes is to always keep pushing through, to keep playing hard, and to never give up because it will show off during the games.