Have you ever had a bad hair day, maybe you woke up and didn’t feel your best in the morning and decided to not go to get your picture taken at Orientation. On Friday August 25th 9:00-1:30 retakes were held if you have not taken your picture and you are required to pay for replacement ID cards. The whole point of Picture Makeups is to have your picture taken and to update anywhere on campus where your ID may be used, or if you missed the chance earlier in the year.
Only people that need to take pictures are allowed to have their picture retaken. Such as if you missed orientation, you are not allowed if you just want it retaken.
Based on this information, we have interviewed students on their thoughts on Picture Makeups now that this information has come out. Anonymous Sophomore said “No, too much hassle.” as well as another Anonymous Sophomore has given their thoughts “I don’t really like it, not necessary”. With these thoughts on the table, we can see that the general opinion is that most students may need to go to the front office to obtain their IDs.