Weston Ranch High School named Leilani Dacus as its 2023 Valedictorian. The class Valedictorian is the student who has the highest rank in a graduating class. Dacus earned this distinction by posting a 4.23 GPA on the Weston Ranch campus for four years. If ever there was a student destined for this honor, it was Dacus. Over the past four years, we learned how dedicated, driven, friendly, and compassionate she is. She excelled in the classroom and dedicated her time to serving others —two qualities of a great leader and compassionate person.
“I would like to say that throughout the ups and downs of the past four years, I am grateful for the experiences I’ve had and the connections I’ve made at Weston Ranch,” Dacus said.
In addition to her stellar academics, Dacus impacted the campus in clubs and classes. She was a member of CSF her junior and senior years, serving as Co-vice president and Co-president; WR’s DYNAMIX Choir Club, serving as treasurer and president; Advanced choir (four years); Volleyball (four years), serving as team captain her sophomore and senior seasons.
Dacus said she has many fond recollections of her time at Weston Ranch High School, but one of the biggest highlights for Leilani was the recent VAPA Spring Musical.
“I have made so many meaningful memories at Weston Ranch, but one of my favorites was when our musical theatre company received a standing ovation on the closing night of our Little Shop of Horrors production,” Dacus said. “All of the hard work we put into our production – and the fun times we had in rehearsals – built up to that moment, and it was wonderful!”
Dacus will attend Scripps College of Claremont, CA, where she will pursue a major in Media Studies and a minor in Music.
Dacus said, “I would like to work in digital marketing while pursuing my dream of becoming a published author.”
Congratulations again to Leilani Dacus. WRHS treasured your time here and is so proud of you. Long live the Class of 2023!