This week’s teacher spotlight is on Jordan Nunes. Ms. Nunes is another campus favorite amongst students here, and it is our pleasure to highlight her story this week.
Ms. Nunes has been teaching has been a teacher here at Weston Ranch for two years. Her current assignment finds her in the VAPA department, where she teaches our art classes.
Teaching art here at Weston Ranch helps her share what she loves, and it’s what’s kept her going.
Ms. Nunes had a baby at the beginning of the school year and her new daughter, as well as her laundry, keeps her busy when she isn’t at school.
“My favorite quote comes from the movie, Coach Carter,” Nunes told The Prowl. ” Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
The Prowl wishes to thank Ms. Nunes for spending time with us, and we encourage all students to check out her art classes.