The Prowl

The Student News Site of Weston Ranch High School

The Prowl

The Prowl

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Know More About PLUS Forums!

Plus is a program that appeals leadership which helps to connect and learn with students. In the forums, students get to talk about many sensitive topics that one might struggle with, some of these are mental health supports, peer pressure, stereotypes, along with how to reach out to others. PLUS: Peer Leaders Uniting Students, purpose is to help students understand they are not alone as well as to be more comfortable and open.  

Now, you may wonder how the forums work and why are they important. PLUS, forums are led by other students in campus who are working with students that are randomly selected, which is about 20-40 students. The invited students are picked up in their 1st period class by a leader in the program which then are brought up in the library. Students get to have a great time doing activities and hanging out with their peers.  Both students and leaders get to participate in the activities which helps them to know one another along with working in small groups to discuss about problems that are occurring in the world or in campus.  

Some of the activities PLUS gets students to do are getting to know you. This activity gets students to move around and express their personality and likings. A leader in PLUS asks the group who likes a specific kind of object, if a student likes the object they get up from their seat and pick another seat, and students must do it quickly!!  If a student gets up but all the seats are taken the student must go towards the middle and say another specific item, which then the cycle continues, this activity is almost like musical chairs! 

Not only do we have PLUS leaders but as well as Jess from GECAC comes in and facilitates one fun activity with the students as well. 

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So where did this program come from? The PLUS group was originally from Southern California! All of Stockton Unified has this great program to help the community. The program was formed at the beginning of school in August 2016! 

PLUS is an awesome way to support the school in many ways like getting the community to be more like a family as well as to getting to know one another. This program gives attention to the importance of topics that communities do not talk about daily. PLUS gives out great awareness along with having great resources for students at WRHS. 

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